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1 / 5 Share

Dec. 8, 2020

Update 08. Dezember 2020: Aktuell nur mehr 1 von 5 Sterne! Die Kommunikation mit den Kunden funktioniert großteils, allerdings wird nicht ehrlich und transparent kommuniziert. Seit 10 Tagen wartet ein Kunde auf Erfüllung seiner Bestellung, das Produkt galt kurz darauf als vergriffen, jetzt plötzlich ist es auch bei den Lieferanten nicht mehr erhältlich? Ich habe schon mehrmals Kontakt aufgenommen bzgl. ausverkaufter Ware, jedesmal hieß es, Nachschub kommt in den nächsten Tagen. Nichts gab es! Werden uns nach einem anderen Anbieter umsehen müssen :-( Juni 2020: Defintiv der beste Anbieter! Tolle Shopintegration, tolle Produkte, super Features, schneller Support!

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Update: Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung! Dies sind außergewöhnliche Zeiten für uns alle, und wir arbeiten hart daran, dass alle Aufträge so schnell wie möglich ausgeführt werden. Da die Pandemie mehrere Branchen auf der ganzen Welt betrifft, sind auch Lieferverzögerungen zu erwarten. Die aktuelle Situation mit einer Pandemie hat branchenweit zu einigen Lagermangel geführt. Wir kommunizieren kontinuierlich mit unseren Lagerlieferanten und arbeiten an Verbesserungen. Manchmal werden wir informiert, dass das Produkt nach der Bestellung nicht mehr vorrätig ist, daher kann dies jederzeit passieren. Wir empfehlen, wenn möglich alternative Produkte für Ihre Artikel festzulegen. Weitere Informationen zu unserem alternativen Tool finden Sie hier: Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn Sie weitere Fragen oder etwas anderes haben, unter [email protected]! Hallo, vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung! Ihre positiven Erfahrungen mit unserer App und unseren Dienstleistungen haben uns eine angenehme Freude bereitet.Wir freuen uns schon darauf, dass wir Sie beim Erfüllen von Ihren unzähligen kommenden Aufträgen noch mehr unterstützen und durch unseren Rundum-Kundendienst ausgezeichnet betreuen. - Zana

1 / 5 Share

June 10, 2020

Everything is disabled, and cant upload new products. Not good for a new store that are just getting started.

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About 5 hours

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Hi, thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear that your experience with us hasn't been the most positive! As we are still encountering longer fulfillment timeframes due to the situation with Covid-19, some of our product categories have been disabled in the product push, which means they can't be added to a store. This will help us manage the current order volume better and return to our regular fulfillment time sooner. The products are temporarily disabled in product push and we hope to enable them as soon as possible, so our users can continue adding new products to their stores. We also recommend following our Covid-19 related updates on production times and changes right here Hopefully, the situation normalizes soon and we can continue providing fast services to all of our users! If there's anything we can help with, be sure to let us know at [email protected] anytime! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

June 18, 2020

Products never arrive at customers or arrive too late, customers very angry and disappointed by delays, You can lose the business as my loss of customer and sales is happening to me because the orders never arrived on time and customers threatening to sue for the scam because their order never came, it is a very bad idea to do business with a company that cannot send your orders on time because they arrive very late or they never arrive and you can lose everything as happened to me

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9 months

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Hi, thank you for your review! We are very sorry to hear that the orders are experiencing delivery delays! We understand that not having the package arrive as timely as expected can create a negative experience. Postal services and carriers across the world are still encountering delivery delays. We are seeing the longest delays for orders shipped from EU to North America, due to the limited availability of cargo flights. Packages shipped from EU to international destinations can take up to an additional 30 business days to be delivered. This situation should improve soon as more flights are becoming available, though delivery delays are still expected until the situation normalizes. We also have information on shipping delays on our Covid-19 updates page: We do hope the situation returns to normal very soon, so that we can continue offering fast fulfillment and delivery services. If there's anything we can help with or if you have any concerns, please let us know at [email protected]! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

June 8, 2020

Seriously, stop blaming Covid for your failures. Enough is enough. Orders from May 25 are still NOT shipped, while orders from Jun 3 are already in process. Makes no sense. It's NOT Covid, it's poor management, pure and simple.

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Hi, thank you for your review! We're very sorry to hear you're having a negative experience with our services at this time! We are working hard to fulfill all orders as timely as possible and we hope your experience with us improves as we return to normal! The situation with Covid-19 has affected us unpredictably and with a higher order volume than usual at this time of year, fulfillment delays are still expected for the time being while we keep the health of our employees in mind and adhere to safety measures recommended by the respective states. We are hiring more production staff and up-scaling our equipment to help us manage the order volume as well. It is possible that some orders might start fulfilment sooner than others. This is mainly due to the ordered item and its availability, the printing technique, and the fulfillment facility where the order has been routed to and the order queue there. Additionally, if you have back-up facilities fulfillment enabled for your store, when an order is routed to a back-up facility for fulfillment, the order status in the Printful dashboard will change to "Being fulfilled", but you can definitely check in with our customer service in case you have questions about the order. We understand that these delays are not pleasant and we are doing our best to up-scale our production and return to our regular fulfillment timeframes. I hope we see the situation normalize soon, so we can continue providing a fast print-on-demand service to our users! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected] anytime! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

June 7, 2020

Very long delays, no follow-up when asking about status of orders, poor customer service with generic copy paste answers, delivery dates changes constantly, more than 6 weeks to produce an item and shipping can be another 4 weeks, high cost with overcharging on taxes. Really poor experience. There are many better out there.

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Almost 2 years

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Hi, thank you for your review, we really appreciate it! I’m sorry to hear that your experience with us has not been entirely positive, but I hope we can make it better moving forward! I am sorry to hear that your orders are encountering delays as well. As we are still feeling the effects of the situation with Covid-19, our fulfillment timeframes are currently longer for some product categories. We are scaling up our fulfillment equipment as well as hiring more production staff to help us manage the order volume, but production delays are still expected for the time being. Our customer service team will provide you with the available information we have, however, it isn’t possible for us to provide a more specific deadline for your orders and we generally recommend referring to the estimated fulfillment timeframes to best understand when the order could be fulfilled. We are working on fulfilling all orders as fast as possible, though. We understand that fast fulfillment and service is important to our users and we are doing our best to fulfill all orders as quickly as we can given the circumstances. The increased order volume and the production delays were unexpected to us, as was the entire situation with Covid-19 for many people and businesses. We hope to see the fulfillment timeframes improve for the most affected product categories soon. I will follow up with you via email on the situation with your orders as well. - Zana

1 / 5 Share

June 5, 2020

I have placed a sample order on May 26th and still is NOT FULFILLED, how can you do business with a fulfillment center which hasn't fulfill the sample order for more than 10 DAYS? I believe when you get too big you can not handle the orders anymore!

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Over 1 year

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Hi, thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear that your experience with our services hasn't been the most positive so far, but we hope we can improve it moving forward! Due to the situation with Covid-19, our fulfillment timeframes have increased and delays are expected for the time being. We recommend referring to our Covid-19 updates page for the latest information on the current estimated fulfillment times for each product category: We are also experiencing a higher order volume than usual during this time of year, but we hope to catch up with order fulfillment and return to our normal production times very soon! If there's anything we can help with or if you have any concerns, surely contact us at [email protected] anytime! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

June 4, 2020

Update: Unbelievable! As a graphic designer, I create custom artwork for my products and after weeks of painstakingly creating FANNY PACK designs (top, bottom, back, pocket, ect) they NO LONGER ARE FULFILLING ORDERS ON FANNY PACKS because of "production time". Now I have to CLOSE A STORE NOT EVEN OPEN YET! I'm in shock right now. I'm so mad I could burst. This company is unorganized and amateur. People can make hundreds of hand sewn masks in a day and you can't even produce a fanny pack... Long wait times. More than 20-30 days and I could just use Ali to e-packet already made ones... American Apparel is very cheap material. Also, EXPENSIVE. I can't turn a reasonable profit for a $24 dollar PRE-PRINTING cost. A fanny pack was $24 dollars and I can't sell it for more than that - its a cheap fanny pack, not diamond encrusted. They got the fanny pack for probably less than 2-5 bucks, quadruple what they charge. It's a CA run company, so terrible customer service. Currently searching for a new vendor...

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6 months

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Thank you for your review! We are truly sorry to see that your experience with us has not been great, but we hope that you will give us a chance to improve it moving forward. Our fulfillment times are currently delayed due to the global pandemic and a growing order volume, however we do hope to bring them back to our usual estimates of 2-7 business days for apparel orders and 2-5 business days for non-apparel products, averaging out at 4 days in fulfillment, soon enough! You can see our most recent fulfillment estimates here: We also truly appreciate your feedback on our fanny packs and will take it into account whilst working on future updates for this product. This product is made on-site at our fulfillment locations, you can see a showcase of what that looks like here: It is also important to note that a portion of the product costs goes into providing you with a variety of other services like free integrations with e-commerce platforms, ensuring and improving product development, offering technical and customer support, as well as other services. We also appreciate your feedback on the quality of our customer support and we would like to review your communication with us, however we were unable to locate any chats or emails from your specific store, which is why we will also follow up with you directly via email. - Vita

1 / 5 Share

June 2, 2020

I started my store on March 10. The shipping window at that time was about 10-14 days. I was a little weary because that's borderline too long for customer's waiting to receive their paid for products. This was pre-corona. Now in June I am experiencing 30+ days wait times. I reach out to customer support and they keep giving me the robot response and blames it on Covid-19. But you can only blame so much on this virus. Regardless I cannot afford to lose customer's or my great reputation because it's taking Printful longer than one month to fulfill my orders, not ship but fulfill. I'm strongly considering using a different platform. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!

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3 months

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Hi, thank you for your review, we really appreciate it! I'm sorry to hear that your experience with us has not been the most positive! I do hope we can improve it moving forward! Due to the situation with Covid-19, we are still feeling the impacts on our production times due to state restrictions at some of our facilities as well as the unexpectedly high order volume at this time of year. All of our teams are working hard, but fulfillment delays are expected for the time being while we catch up. We recommend following our Covid-19 updates page for up-to-date information on the current fulfillment timeframes for all product categories: (the estimated timeframes are subject to change). With hiring more production staff and purchasing more equipment to help us scale up, we hope to see the fulfillment times improve soon. We understand that the longer fulfillment times may not be ideal for some of our users, but we are doing our best to fulfill all orders as quickly as we can and to continue providing our services given the circumstances. We certainly appreciate your feedback on the current events and we hope to see the situation normalize soon. If there's anything we can help with, be sure to let us know at [email protected] anytime! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

June 1, 2020

I was excited about this store and the great reviews but can't tell you how many things have gone wrong and how unprofessional customer service has been. I built this store from the ground up and within 2 months we got a ton of orders only to be faced with up to 2 months of wait for some customers. I've had merch ordered for 2 weeks only to be faced with "this item is out of stock" How do you go to your client and tell them that the item they ordered 2 weeks ago has not only left the store but it's not even available. I have over 118 products and over 2000 variations which will mean lots of work to go to another store otherwise I would've taken my business elsewhere. I am really hoping that these delays are direct result of COVID-19 because if this continues after is not really a way to do business. At the same time other businessees are operating normal and our customers are getting pissed at us so we really hope that this situation will improve.

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Hi, thank you for your review, we appreciate it! We're sorry to hear your time with us hasn't been the most pleasant, but I do hope we can improve it moving forward! Due to the situation with Covid-19 and an unexpectedly increased order volume at this time of year, our fulfillment times have become longer and we are sorry about this. We are working diligently to fulfill all orders as fast as we can, but production delays are currently expected. We recommend referring to our Covid-19 updates page for up-to-date information on our production times as well as related information: As for items being out of stock, we definitely notify our users as soon as possible in case a product is temporarily out of stock at our suppliers. Unfortunately, rarely, a product may go out of stock somewhat suddenly, but we would let you know in case this happens and mark the variant as out of stock in your store accordingly. I would like to know more about your experience with this a little more, so I will follow-up with you directly as well. We understand that longer fulfillment times may not be ideal for some of our users and we are working hard to fulfill all orders to continue providing our services to our users. I hope we can return to our normal production times very soon. - Zana

1 / 5 Share

May 30, 2020

expensive and very unreliable. After 4 days there is a message that the order cannot be carried out. Good that there are alternatives where it works very well

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4 months

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Hi, thank you for your review! Sorry to hear your time with us hasn't been as positive, but we would definitely like to improve it moving forward! Since our team reviews the uploaded files of the orders manually, it is possible that the hold on the order would not be placed right away, especially during these times when we are experiencing a larger order volume. Our team would notify you about any concerns with the orders as soon as possible. If there's anything we can help with, be sure to let us know anytime at [email protected], we're happy to assist! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

May 26, 2020

The worst customer service I have ever dealt with. Takes customer service over 72 hours to respond to a simple email, usually do not have a solution for up to two weeks. I would recommend anyone interested Printful to not use the application. Fulfillment time is typically longer than suggested.

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8 months

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Hi, thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear you haven't had a positive experience with our customer service, but I hope we can improve it moving forward! Due to an influx of messages at this time, our response times are slightly delayed as well, but we are working as fast as possible to get back to all inquiries. One of our team members will follow-up with you shortly. - Zana

1 / 5 Share

May 21, 2020

Since COVID-19 their customer service has been non-existent. If you try emailing them they take 1 week to respond. Their delivery times has been extended by a ridiculous amount of time. Their support chat has been turned off all of a sudden. Overall a very poor handling of the COVID-19 situation.

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Almost 3 years

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Hi, thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear your experience with our services has not been great during this time, but I hope we can improve it! We are encountering fulfillment delays due to the situation with Covid-19, but we are working as fast as we can to fulfill all orders. We recommend referring to our Covid-19 updates page where our current fulfillment estimates are posted, see here If we experience a change in the estimated fulfillment, updates will be posted. Since we are encountering a higher order volume than expected, we are also receiving more messages. There is a slight delay in our response times at the moment as well, but you should expect to hear back from us with 24-48 hours. Our chat option also operates at a limited capacity and you may notice it is unavailable sometimes as we try to catch up with an existing queue and emails. We are working diligently to fulfill all orders in a timely manner and respond to your messages. We hope to return to our normal fulfillment and response times very soon! We'll make sure to respond to your messages shortly! If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to let us know at [email protected]! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

May 21, 2020

20 days later my shirts have not arrived, Terrible customer service and terrible process!!! Ordered on May 2nd as a test order before I sell this to the public. That was the best decision of my life!. Do not use Printful till today I have not received my order 20 days later. Customer support told me they usually ship within 20 -25 days. Luckily , I do not have to justify this to one of my clients. You have been warned.

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4 months

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Developer Reply

Hi, thank you for your review! We're very sorry to hear that your order has not arrived yet! Our fulfillment timeframes are longer for the time being due to the situation with Covid-19 and with limited operations at some of our facilities. We are also experiencing a higher order volume than anticipated at this time which has affected our fulfillment timeframes. We recommend referring to our Covid-19 updates page ( where the fulfillment estimates are updated regularly if we experience a change in the fulfillment speed. We are working diligently to fulfill all orders as quickly as possible. We understand that timely fulfillment is important and we hope that the situation normalizes soon, so we can continue providing a fast service to our users! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

May 19, 2020

Shopify lets its customers down by suggesting we use PRINTFUL. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT USING PRINTFUL. EVER. Printful are using COVID delays as an excuse for their total disrgeard for their customers combined with thier inability to run a business. The simplest of my products are now 6 weeks and waiting without so much as moving from the post office in Lativia Mexico. All my emails over the many past weeks have been completely ignored Chat consultants just lie. I have a written confirmation by the most recent chat saying I will hear back from management in 24 hrs guranteed. Well that was a week ago. As I type this I am 47th on hold in the chat room and I know I will be ignored once again. Printful, you are single handedly ruining any attempt at small business and you are profiting while doing it. It's totally shameful. You should be shut down. Total Scam. I gurantee I wont hear back, and if i do it will be a pathetic excuse to do with COVID delats. Perfect scapegoat.

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11 months

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Developer Reply

Hi, thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear your experience with us has not been great, but I hope we can improve it moving forward! I understand that encountering delays is not pleasant at any time, however, please note that the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting various industries, including the shipping industry. Carriers aren't currently able to guarantee fast delivery as it is affected by border closures and limited cargo travel in general. Unfortunately, this is not something that we can affect, but we hope that the delivery times return to normal soon. I also wanted to clarify about our fulfillment locations. It seems that our team member made a typo when chatting with you. Our fulfillment facilities are located in Latvia, the USA, and Mexico too. When the order is being fulfilled, you will be able to see at which location the order is being fulfilled by opening the order in your Printful dashboard, the location of the package after it is shipped out can be seen in the tracking link that is provided with every shipment. I am sorry to hear that there have been some issues with receiving responses from our customer service team. Our response times are slightly slower at the moment due to the influx of messages, but we would still get back to your inquiries as soon as possible. I have sent you a follow-up via email to provide more information about the delivery delays and gain more details about your experience with our customer service. - Zana

1 / 5 Share

May 17, 2020

Shocking customer service. Fulfillment far to long, delivery over a week past the estimate and still Printful not willing to chase where and why its taking so long. Customers are agitated with the timescales. Do not Use!

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Thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear that your experience with us has not been great, but hope we can improve it moving forward. Unfortunately, the global pandemic has also hit CA and NC, which is where we have two of our fulfillment locations and the government has issued the "Safer from Home" orders, which means that we've had to limit our production at these facilities and distribute incoming orders to our other (MX and EU) facilities, as well as look for backup facility options. You can see our latest Covid-19 updates and fulfillment estimates here: The carriers we work with have also reported seeing delivery delays across the entire industry, as this global pandemic is affecting everyone. We're doing the best we can to ensure that all of our customer orders still get fulfilled in a timely fashion and that every issue that's presented to us is quickly assessed and met with a solution, keeping the health of our employees, as well as our customer businesses in mind, we'll weather this crisis together! If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to reach out to us at [email protected]! - Vita

1 / 5 Share

May 16, 2020

Fullfillment takes 10 days. Delivery 12 days for Shirts and Prints. No sorry. then i can order directly in china!

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About 1 month

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Thank you for your review! We're sorry to hear that your experience with us has not been great, but hope we can improve it moving forward. Unfortunately, the global pandemic has also hit CA and NC, which is where we have two of our fulfillment locations and the government has issued the "Safer from Home" orders, which means that we've had to limit our production at these facilities and distribute incoming orders to our other (MX and EU) facilities, as well as look for backup facility options. You can see our latest Covid-19 updates and fulfillment estimates here: The carriers we work with have also reported seeing delivery delays across the entire industry, as this global pandemic is affecting everyone. We're doing the best we can to ensure that all of our customer orders still get fulfilled in a timely fashion and that every issue that's presented to us is quickly assessed and met with a solution, keeping the health of our employees, as well as our customer businesses in mind, we'll weather this crisis together! If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to reach out to us at [email protected]! - Vita

1 / 5 Share

May 11, 2020

I hadn't had many issues with Printful up until this Pandemic happened. Unfortunately it seems that this pandemic has caught them off guard and now they are in over their heads. They went from the normal 3-5 business days to 7-10 business now I've recently been informed that is has been extended even further to 15-20 business days. That's almost a whole month in real time to a customer. No customer wants to wait that long. If they were ordering something from China or somewhere else overseas then that's to be expected but not from somewhere on US soil. I was told that during this time they're only operating out of 2 of their facilities with minimal staff while they've closed the other facilities. I'm like, "Hello, you guys are a fulfillment company... closing your facilities should not be an option when you have thousands of customers depending on you to fulfill their online orders!" Our customers are placing orders with us everyday and we're submitting those orders to Printful everyday so it's only making them even more backed up with orders... everyday! I also, hate how they will fulfill orders in a random order meaning they will fulfill an order that I submitted a a week ago when there are still lots of orders that I submitted a week before that waiting to be fulfilled. That makes no sense to me and it's not fair to the customers still waiting while another customer who ordered a week after them gets to receive their order before them. What happened to first come, first served? When I ask them to please fulfill my older orders because they are top priority, they give me some lame excuse about their policy then all of a sudden I have to cancel an order from 2 weeks ago because they refused to do what I asked. Great customer service means listening to your customers and trying to handle their orders the way they would like you to do so. We are the ones in direct communication with our customers. Printful doesn't know when a customer is threatening to cancel their order if it doesn't get fulfilled soon so that's the reason I'm reaching out them to in the first place. Doesn't seem like they care if you're not a huge customer to them. Overall, there has to be a smarter way for them to operate business. As big as they are, I would think they would know how but I guess not. They went from extending to 7-10 (3 day time span) to 15-20 (5 day time span) business days in less than a month. They had the nerve to tell me that they have everything under control... well it sure doesn't look like it. Men lie, women lie but numbers don't. Having things under control would not result in the fulfillment times getting longer and having to disable sample orders so they can focus on fulfilling the regular orders. Since no one knows when the pandemic will ever be over, what's next 25-30 business days?? Printful needs to fix this issue fast. I can't keep having to cancel orders and losing money because customers are tired of waiting. 5/11/20 - My reply to Printful's reply from 5/9... Just like I guessed it, their fulfillment time has now been pushed back even longer to 20-25 days. I encourage anyone who is thinking about using Printful for t-shirt fulfillment right now to ask yourselves if you are ready to have your customers wait a whole month for the t-shirt(s) they ordered? Printful has not been consistent whatsoever since the Pandemic started. The moment you have updated all of your customers on one extended time period, Printful comes right back and extends it even longer then expects you to go back again and inform all of your customers about the newly extended time frame. This is not fair to my customers who start to feel like they are being "BS'd around" because they are being told one extended time and patiently waiting then being told a week or so later that the fulfillment time will be even longer. That doesn't help the future of my company one bit nor does it help me gain repeat customers. Who wants to put the trust and reliability of their company in the hands of another company who isn't upholding their end of the bargain? Nobody that's who! It really feels like Printful is using this pandemic as an excuse to prolong fulfillment instead of prioritizing getting orders out in a timely fashion. As you see in Printful's response that they are working hard to get the orders out in a timely fashion well from my experience, there is absolutely NO truth in that statement... it is completely false. I'm so tired of having to email and message all of my waiting customers and inform them of the new and even longer extended fulfillment times. It has caused some customers to cancel their orders and demand refunds and I can't afford to keep doing that. I'm in the business of making money not losing it all because the fulfillment company is taking forever to fulfill the orders. I recommend anyone looking to sell t-shirts online to either find you a local print shop with DTG printers who can fulfill your orders quickly or invest in your own DTG printer and fulfill your own orders. I'm personally looking into both of those options. It's not cool to be at the mercy of a large fulfillment company, not have any kind of control over how quick your orders get shipped out and not be a priority whatsoever. I'm so over it.

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Thank you for your review and for your feedback on our fulfillment times. We're sorry to hear that your experience with us has not been great, but we hope we can improve it moving onward. To give you a short summary of the past estimates we've offered: our average fulfillment times for custom products used to be 2-7 business days for apparel and 2-5 business days for non-apparel orders, you can see what goes into these estimates here: Although the majority of orders was shipped out within 4 business days, we did not guarantee fulfillment times faster than 7 business days. unless you used our warehousing services, in which case we would be able to fetch the already printed and fulfilled items and ship them out within a couple of business days on average. Unfortunately, the global pandemic has also hit CA and NC, which is where we have two of our fulfillment locations and the government has issued the "Safer from Home" orders, which means that we've had to limit our production at these facilities and distribute incoming orders to our other (MX and EU) facilities, as well as look for backup facility options. This situation is very dynamic and updating constantly, you can see the very latest Covid-19 updates and fulfillment estimates here: We're doing the best we can to ensure that all of our customer orders still get fulfilled in a timely fashion and that every issue that's presented to us is quickly assessed and met with a solution, keeping the health of our employees, as well as our customer businesses in mind. We recommend checking out our advice on how to handle this crisis as an online business owner in our blog: and on YouTube: Feel free to also reach out to us at [email protected], if you have any additional feedback, as well as any questions or concerns! - Vita

1 / 5 Share

April 26, 2020

If I could give this no stars I would! This company has a very user friendly website and is much better than the order apps on here, BUT.... holy sh*t is the print bad! Every time they have printed something for me, it's been wrong. When I contact them about the problem they are VERY fast to turn it around on me and point the finger at me. I've been a graphic designer for 5+ years now with printing expirance and I know how to size my art onto clothing. Yet every time an order is printed the logo on the fron is way off and the back logo is super small. Dealing with all these problems has resulted in me looking bad and having nothing but complaints from customers that are spending their hard earned money with me. NOT HOW YOU WANT TO GO OUT IN THE FIRST MONTH OF OPENING. Printful needs to own up to their problem and make things right.

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Almost 3 years

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Developer Reply

Hi, thank you for your review, we really appreciate it! We're very sorry to hear that you have encountered some issues with printing and customer service! Our team would definitely investigate the situation to best understand what may have happened with the product and help with resolving the situation. We would definitely like to know more about your experience with the quality of the printing and inspect the situation closer, so we'll follow-up with you via email shortly! - Zana

1 / 5 Share

April 25, 2020

Greedy people with overpriced products and decent service. I don't recommend you guys to use this platform all you gonna get is few pennies of profit and everything goes to Printful.

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11 months

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Hi there, thank you for your review, we really appreciate it! We understand that our prices may not be suitable for all our users, but we do try to excel in other aspects of our company. We provide free integrations with multiple ecommerce platforms that allow you to add products to your storefront and automate the order import/fulfillment process. We also have a dedicated fulfillment team that takes care of your orders during the production and we fulfill all orders in-house. Additionally, we provide 24/7 customer support so that you can reach us whenever if you have any questions or concerns about your orders or our services. We are lowering costs on some of our products and features whenever possible, so our users can use their funds toward building their store and brand. We are still a growing company and we are looking for ways how to improve our services and catalog even more, so, hopefully, we are able to add more products as we move along to provide a broader selection with a wider price range. If you have any questions or anything else you'd like to share about your time with us, be sure to let us know at [email protected]! - Zana

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April 26, 2020

Edit: Had to change to a 1 star review. This is by far the worst customer service I've ever experiences. Would absolutely not recommend using Printful for your business. I was really excited to use this app for my online shop, but I've had some bad experiences with my test orders. The customer service can be a bit rude and it feels like they do not read your messages at all before sending a standard reply that does not answer your questions. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to look for a different print on demand service.



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Developer Reply

Hi, thank you for your review! We're very sorry to hear that you haven't had a positive experience with our customer service! It's definitely important that you receive proper information to your inquiries and we will certainly review the quality of communication you've received. It is important to us that you receive the best customer support and your feedback is truly valuable for improving our team. We'll also follow-up with you via email to learn more about your time with us and assist with resolving the situation! - Zana