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1 / 5 Share

April 20, 2022


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About 2 years

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レビューの追加ありがとうございます。プリントフルのご利用において問題が生じ、ご満足いただけなかったとのこと、大変申し訳ございませんでした。 早急に弊社チームよりご連絡させていただきます。

1 / 5 Share

March 15, 2022

The app has a bug its developers can't fix. Precisely, The shipping rate zone of Printful is empty, which means a customer can't complete the order, and my designed tees are worthless. I timely consult Printful customer support, and they can't do anything to fix it, and what they tell is waiting, waiting, and still waiting! I can't wait for two days! I tried to delete and re-install the app to restore its t-shirt shipping rates several times, and even deleted my Printful account and registered again. Still, nothing changed! Very frustrated! I have to repeatedly upload and design my products every time I re-install the app because the Printful dashboard doesn't offer the backup service! They are wasting my time.

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27 days

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Developer Reply

Hi there! Thank you for sharing your experience. We're sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with the shipping profiles. Please note that once you connect your Shopify store with Printful, we push all of our flat-rate profiles to your Shopify account and we automatically assign the product to the right shipping profile. That means that usually there shouldn't be any problems with the profiles. However, technical errors can happen, so our team is looking into your situation specifically, and we will get back to you with additional information on how this can be solved. We sincerely appreciate your patience! -Renate

1 / 5 Share

March 5, 2022

They dropped the entire brand I was using without telling me. Help is friendly, but they are not there to help real issues, they are just 'OK, Sorry, I will feed that back, ok? "Anything else" ' Answers. They also have a limit on how many colours x size you want. So do not think you can make an empire. You need to have many colors or many sizes, your choice.

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Over 2 years

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Developer Reply

Hello! Thank you for your honest feedback. We absolutely understand that product discontinuation and limited availability might be frustrating for you. We constantly evaluate each product in our catalog and sometimes have to make the decision to stop offering some of our products. The most common discontinuation reasons usually are: the product variants are slow-selling and unpopular, our suppliers are discontinuing the product, or have unreliable stock. Thank you once again for your time and feedback regarding this!

1 / 5 Share

Feb. 12, 2022

Super teuer, super langer Versand, super schlechte Bedienung, für uns ist das hier die reinste Zeitverschwendung. Die Preise zu finden und die Artikel zu erstellen ist sehr langwierig. Es ist nicht erkennbar was ein Artikel am Ende kosten wird. Die empfohlene Kalkulation der Verkaufspreise ist ein schlechter Witz. Wenn man die Preisempfehlungen befolgt wird jeder Verkäufer Geld verlieren. Dieser App oder besser dieser genaze Shop ist für niemanden zu empfehlen. Soetwas haben wir noch nicht erlebet. Sorry das wir das so schreiben müssen, aber das könnt Ihr mit den Kunden nicht machen. Wir drucken selbst Handyhüllen und das was Ihr hier an Preisen ausruft ist mehr, als dass was wir von unseren Endkunden verlangen. Wir machen einen ordentlichen Profit, aber mit euch würden wir nur Verlust machen und Ihr den gesamten Gewinn. Das ist ein Unfaires Geschäftsbgebahren. Wir können NIEMANDEM die Zusammenarbeit bei diesen Preisen empfehlen. Die einzige Firma die Geld verdient wenn man mit Ihr Zusammenarbeitet ist rintful. Der Shopbetreiber wird niemals in die Gewinnzone mit Printful kommen. Nicht bei dieser Preisgestaltung. Und Printful nimmt die Artikel selbstverständlich auch nciht zurück. Das heißt hier ganz klar. Prinfull gewinnt bei jeder Bestellung und der Partner verliert immer. Hände weg.

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4 months

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Developer Reply

Hallo! Vielen Dank für das Teilen Ihrer Erfahrung. Entschuldigung, für die Antwort wurde ein Online-Übersetzer verwendet. Wir verstehen, dass Sie Bedenken bezüglich unseres Preissystems haben. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Preise automatisch angezeigt werden und Sie den Verkaufspreis jederzeit anpassen können. Es gibt keine versteckten Transaktionsgebühren für unsere Bestellungen, und unsere Preise spiegeln auch unseren 24/7-Support, kostenlose Cliparts, Designs und die Möglichkeit wider, die Designs mit unserem Generator zu bearbeiten. Es geht nicht nur um das Produkt selbst. Wir akzeptieren keine Rücksendungen, da wir auf Anfrage drucken, jeder Artikel wird speziell für den jeweiligen Kunden gedruckt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir bei Problemen mit der Bestellung die Verantwortung dafür übernehmen und keine zusätzlichen Gebühren verlangen. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass Printful nicht der Anbieter ist, nach dem du gesucht hast, und wir wünschen dir viel Glück in deinem Geschäft. -Renate

1 / 5 Share

Feb. 12, 2022

Products quality is good but more expensive than other POD providers. Terrible international shipping. Products take more than one month to reach customers after they are shipped! After contacting customer service and being told many times that they work on improving the service. I asked for clear answers on when improvements are going to happen. It turns out they are doing nothing about it and will not solve it in the near future. Did not even bother to workout a solution. My business is suffering because of the bad customer experience.

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11 months

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Developer Reply

Hi there! Thank you for sharing your experience. Sorry to hear that international shipping delays have caused you such inconvenience. Please know that it was never our intention. We are working with several carriers and we are in constant communication to improve the shipping speed, however, it depends on various factors especially now when transportation is limited and there is additional waiting time for the packages to be shipped. These changes have affected the industry as a whole and although at this time we don't have an ETA on when international shipping speed will improve, we will continue doing our best to get the packages to the recipients as fast as possible. We sincerely appreciate your patience! Regarding our pricing, although some of our prices are higher, please note that there are no hidden transaction fees for any of our orders, and we extensively test all our products to ensure the best possible quality for the product and the print. Our prices also reflect our 24/7 support, free clipart, designs, and option to edit the designs with our generator. If you'd like to discuss these matters further, please contact us at [email protected] - Renate

1 / 5 Share

Feb. 5, 2022

HIGH PRICED JUST MY OPINION. I feel like every company should make a profit when doing business.... However, I can't see how a regular store can make decent revenue. Many stores are paying for marketing to have Printful to make a product for let's say $38 which would be a good price to sell to a customer for me a store to have to sell it for $50 -60 + Tax + Shipping..... just to make a profit. I feel like Printful has the scale leaning in their favor. I go online and find the same base product selling on Jiffy Shirts for $11.00. I'm going to just use my own equipment...I love the concept and platform but it's just not worth it at all.

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2 months

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Developer Reply

Hi! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Although our prices may seem higher than other POD companies, please note that there are no hidden transaction fees for any of our orders, and we extensively test all our products to ensure the best possible quality for the product and the print. Our prices also reflect our 24/7 support, free clipart, designs, and option to edit the designs with our generator. We're following trends and do our best to offer quality products from good suppliers. We're also offering more and more organic and eco-friendly products. For more information on marketing and how to price your products, please check out our blog: -Renate

1 / 5 Share

Feb. 5, 2022

your service sucks ass i have nothing but problem and you don't seem to know how to restock your products

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7 months

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Developer Reply

Hi! Sorry to hear that you have not enjoyed our services. Please know that we do our best to restock all items but as we stock on-demand, at times we are depending on our suppliers. We understand that you depend on us, so we do our best to inform you about any stocking problems. If you have any specific issues with your out-of-stock items, please contact us at [email protected] and we will do our best to turn your experience around. Hope to hear from you soon! -Renate

1 / 5 Share

Jan. 29, 2022

I swear its a new problem every single day with these idiots. I unsynced one of my product variants from the printful interface because it was out of stock (no surprise there, these people cant keep anything in stock) and now there is no way to resync it. They only have a choose product button which forces you to completely recreate the product. I am getting so sick of this incompetent company screwing over my business.

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Over 2 years

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Developer Reply

Hi! Thank you for sharing your experience. We're sorry to hear that the products you have chosen for your store have been out of stock. Please note that we stock on demand, and in most cases, items get restocked during the fulfillment time if necessary. However, we have noticed an increase in out-of-stock items from our suppliers due to delays with manufacturing and shipping, but please know that we are working to improve our system. In our product catalog, you can check the Availability tab to be sure which colors and sizes are stocked where and if they are in stock at this time./ We sincerely appreciate your patience! - Renate

1 / 5 Share

Jan. 14, 2022

Excited to see what they could do we hastily we placed several sample orders, for multiple garments with Printful (in hindsight this was a mistake).. EVERY garment had 1x or more of the issues details below: • Badly folded and creased after being squeezed into mailing bags that are WAY too small (so they look used/worn) • Grubby / Dirty factory floor marks • Misplaced prints (so printed at an "angle" even though all of the artwork was 100% straight) • Poorly embroidered logos that are bunched. (not enough backing used) • Pretreatment stains (yellow) on ALL DTG garments. • Poor delivery times that missed the agreed SLA times. • It was initially claimed that you now have a "UK" based production centre (which is part of the reason we contracted you, but it appears all of these garments were sent from Europe?) To be frank the overall quality and experience is shockingly bad, and if these had been sent directly to our customers (luckily these were all "Test" orders shipped directly to us!) I am certain that they would have ALL been returned leaving our reputation for high quality products and service irrevocably damaged. We raised all of these issues with Printful, and approximately 20x emails later with multiple different reps (you never know who your going to get! another part of the problem: it's basically just a call centre full of people that couldn't care less!!) the general "gist" of their responses we're that it's: "Within Parameters" These people are literally trained to dismiss your issues, and point to some BS "Parameters" that make no sense, and they basically repeat themselves with their fingers in their ears... Not once did they EVER accept responsibility... It truly was a shockingly bad experience. Shockingly bad products, shocking customer services, and shocking inability to accept the fact that screwed up, filthy dirty garments, covered in stains, with wonky prints, and badly embroidered logos are not within anyones "Parameters". Please don't risk it, its not worth it, even if by chance you get a good order once, you'll rue the day when you have a problem... they won't be interested.

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About 1 month

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Developer Reply

Hello! Thank you for sharing your honest feedback. We're sorry to hear that your experience with Printful has not been the most positive, but we hope we can improve it moving forward! Once an order has been placed, it would be routed to a fulfillment facility based on factors like product and print type availability, final destination, and others. Our team looked into your orders and they were routed to our Latvia fulfillment facility, as the items currently are not available for fulfillment with the UK one. You can always check product availability directly from our product catalog > availability tab. As all the items are placed on the printing and embroidery pallets by hand, there can be slight discrepancies regarding the placement of the final design. The staining you mentioned would be from the fixation agent that's used industry-wide and helps the inks bond with the garment. It wouldn't be permanent and would come off after the first quick wash. If there's ever an issue with any of the received products that has been an error on our side, or if the product has been damaged in transit, we would always take full responsibility. We see that you've been in contact with our senior team member already and full refunds have been issued for your products as of now. Thank you once again for your time and honest feedback! If you ever have any questions - don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at [email protected] or our live chat and we will be happy to help you. -Santa

1 / 5 Share

Jan. 4, 2022

My experience with Printful has been like a toxic relationship. A wave of good times and total nightmares. We've had problems with products (one time my customer received a bag that said "coffee, squats and Jesus" - not something I sell) and other times it was crooked or misplaced prints. Despite selling over $50K in the last 6 months however, the company has shoved my business aside. They've hired inadequate shipping couriers and failed to provide a solution when over 20 of my orders were completely lost over the last 2 weeks. Their only solution to this ongoing issue is for me to upgrade to the Pro Membership for $65/mo, where I can choose a reliable courier myself, which for the bare minimum (the expectation for shipments to reach my customers, as per their entire business model), seems unreasonable. Before the current shipping fiasco, and right after my first big round of sales, I was offered the Executive discount, which isn't much - a dollar or so in savings, per sale. Since I sell in spurts each time a new product is dropped, this doesn't allow for me to stay consistent with sales numbers. A month or so after my first product drop, I was approached by a high level account manager (Samanta) who wanted to "check in" and see why I wasn't making the same sales that I had originally made within the first week - I explained my business model and she continued to press me, letting me know that she'd like to see $15-$20K in sales moving forward in order for me to keep my Executive discount. She said that this wasn't a hard and fast rule but a negotiation for me to keep the existing rate. This felt gross to me since I hadn't asked for the discounted rate in the first place - it was applied as a courtesy in what I assumed was an attempt to create an ongoing business relationship. Being given sales targets as if I was a low-level employee of this 3rd party app left a bad taste in my mouth, and as soon as I expressed that, I was met with hostility and a lot of ego-driven passive aggressive responses. Multiple emails followed with her mentioning my "unwillingness to cooperate" until I asked her not to email me again. I chose to look past that until the recent shipping incidents and the lack of cooperation from the Printful team. It seems that they will only do what it takes to protect their bottom line, even if that means that your business suffers the consequences. They seem to be using the poor delivery performance as leverage to move me into an expensive Pro Membership as they understand that it's my only option to provide positive customer experiences. They have acknowledged the shipping issue and refuse to make changes. They do not care about your business and they do not care about your customers. Unfortunately I am still with Printful until I find a solution to move my products to a new fulfilment service - a lot of the damage to my business' reliability through the eyes of my customers has already been done. Save your business's reputation and all of the stress that will inevitably occur in dealing with this company - please go elsewhere. (Shout out to Mariam though, she is seemingly the only good human at that company)

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7 months

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Developer Reply

Hey there! Thank you for your feedback, and we're sad to hear that our services didn't meet your expectations. We understand that receiving items with quality issues and encountering shipping delays is not pleasant. Once the order is submitted, our shipping algorithm, based on the delivery address and available options for our shipping accounts, would automatically select the best fitting shipping carrier to deliver the order. We are continuously working on improving shipping options and partner with trusted carriers to deliver your orders most efficiently. Currently, a particular carrier selection would be part of our Printful Pro feature, which is a paid service. We take all complaints seriously, and further feedback has been forwarded to the responsible team for review. We sincerely appreciate your patience! Please know that we take responsibility for any error on our or the carrier's end. I see you're in direct communication with our account specialist to address concerns regarding your orders. We are also truly sorry that your previous communication with our services was not successful, and we understand that you need to do what's best for your business, and we will be sad to see you go. However, we will gladly fulfill your orders again if you give us another try in the future. - Elina

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 19, 2021

I wasn't expecting high quality from this company but after getting two items I ordered to test the process and product, I've archived all products from Printful. Honestly, the quality of the materials and the printing are so bad that I could not buy it or recommended, worse yet sell it. I don't know if it was like this always but all those good reviews are not honest. Be aware!

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About 1 month

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Developer Reply

Hi! Sorry to hear about your experience. Please know that we intend to provide the best possible quality for all our products and services, so we'd like to look into your orders closer. It seems that there is no problem report submitted for your order. To review and resolve the situation, we'd love to hear from you directly with photos of the outcome. Please forward these photos to [email protected], and we will do our best to rectify the situation. Hope to hear from you soon! -Renate

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 15, 2021

items are frequently out of stock and it's no alternative for the items. Most colors are just black and white no real options. Crazy how they aren't accepting my deal.

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2 months

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Developer Reply

Hi there, Thank you for your review! We're very sorry about your unpleasant experience. We definitely want you to have the best experience with our integration and services in general. We completely understand that stock is important for your sales, and stock issues can be frustrating, especially when they happen sometime after creating your product. If something is out of stock for longer than expected, we'd send you a notification about it, asking if you'd like to wait or switch to a different product. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please reach out to us via [email protected], as we would love to look into the issues you are experiencing and hopefully improve your experience. - Elina

1 / 5 Share

Dec. 2, 2021

per customer rep, my printful account cannot connect to Shopify because it got deleted...I have the printful app in my Shopify and I did not delete it... it's frustrating and there is no offered solution except for the advice to start from scratch...

Using app

11 months

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Developer Reply

Hi there, Thank you for your feedback! Looking at your Printful account, it looks like your Shopify store was indeed removed a year ago. If you'd like to add it again, you can go to your Printful dashboard > Stores > Choose platform; and follow the integration steps once more. Please feel reach out to us if you have any further questions at [email protected]! - Elina

1 / 5 Share

Nov. 17, 2021

Terrible customer service, long wait times for products. I was using them for a while then decided to find another printer.

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3 months

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Developer Reply

Hey, Corey! Thank you for your feedback, and we're sorry to hear that our services didn't meet your expectations. We want all submitted content to be respectful of others, and we reserve the right to refuse any content that we find hateful. You can review our Acceptable content guidelines here []. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. -Liva

1 / 5 Share

Sept. 25, 2021

Deliveries to Mexico are lousy. Customers have already rated my store 1 star for delivery time. The order may take more than one month, which in these times is no longer valid. China works better?!?! When you contact Printful, they bureaucratically tell you that they must wait until the month is up to raise the complaint; they don't know where the product is for about 20 days. So for Mexico, dropshipping does not work.

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2 months

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Developer Reply

Hi, Marco! Thank you for sharing your experience. We're truly sorry to hear that the deliveries to Mexico are delayed. We are working with global carriers that in turn work with the local carriers to ensure safe delivery, however, due to transportation restrictions, customs, and other factors, international deliveries can be late. Please note that we take responsibility for any lost packages if you reach out to us within 4 weeks of the last estimated delivery date. We're constantly working on improvements with our shipping, so thank you for your patience! - Renate

1 / 5 Share

Sept. 12, 2021

App was great until I enabled the Pro trial. watch the end date because they will refuse a refund request.

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Developer Reply

Hi there! Thank you for your review and for taking the time to share your experience! Please note that by activating the free trial, you had to confirm that you agree to Subscription Terms of Service and the fact that at the end of the free trial period, you authorize Printful to automatically charge the subscription fee. Furthermore, according to the Subscription Terms of Service ( Section 4, You may cancel your Paid Subscription at any time; however, there are no refunds for cancellation. If you have any questions or additional feedback, please reach out to us directly at [email protected], we would love to hear from you and assist with your concerns! - Elina

1 / 5 Share

July 26, 2021

I submitted a scan of an original cyanotype that's been successfully and precisely color-matched on numerous apparel and paper products by another POD vendor, but the blue in my Printful sample gaiter turned out cobalt blue instead, and showed none of the gradations of the original image. (I have a photo that shows the huge discrepancy, but apparently can't post it here). The file was created according to file guidelines, using color profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1. Yet I was told the print result was "to be considered expected." I am removing the app: I can't use a vendor that can't even remotely match my submitted art.

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12 months

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Developer Reply

Hey, Karen! Thank you very much for your feedback. We're sorry to hear that the print result on the neck gaiter didn't meet your expectations. Indeed due to the printing method used and the fabric type, heavy cyan tone designs won't match the original print file perfectly. A closer color match can be achieved on different product types such as posters and DTG prints. We sincerely hope that you'll consider giving us another chance in the future. Don't hesitate to let us know via [email protected] if you have any additional feedback. -Liva

1 / 5 Share

July 11, 2021

The printing quality REALLY sucks! Most of my t-shirts are black with white ink and the ink just looks completely faded on all of the shirts, I'd add so many more orders if the printing quality was better.

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10 months

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Developer Reply

Hey, there! Thank you for your feedback. We're sorry to hear that the print quality didn't meet your expectations. DTG printing technique uses eco-friendly water-based inks that soak into the garment. The print looks like it is part of the fabric and the fabric weave is visible through the print. Pure white prints on dark color garments may look slightly tinted. For vibrant pure white print, we can suggest trying screenprinting or vinyl printing techniques, however, Printful doesn't offer these options. -Liva

1 / 5 Share

July 2, 2021

paid 30$ to order t-shirt to test the service after 4 mounts no item no refund , costumers service saying items lost and it's my problem.. SCAMERS don't use

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7 months

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Developer Reply

Hi there! Thank you for your review, we truly appreciate your feedback! We're sorry to hear that your experience using our services has been unpleasant thus far, but we hope we can improve it moving forward! Due to carrier error your package was returned back to us and we do apologize for the miscommunication! We see that you already have been in direct contact with our support team and a full refund has been issued for your order back to your Printful wallet. If you have any other questions, concerns or additional feedback you would like to share with us, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] -Santa

1 / 5 Share

Feb. 11, 2023

Hi. So i left printify cause their prints were garbage and they made me lose a lot of customers because of that. I was wondering.. can i trust you? Can i be sure your prints will be good quality ? Can i be sure of what you'll ship out to my customers? That what they see on the website is what they get? Another question.. why is the print placement so high? It looks terrible on tees but even worst on the back of the hoodies. So i couldn't add any to my shop. Is it something you will fix in the future? Thanks so much for your time. I UPDATED MY PREVIOUS REVIEW AND WILL CONSIDER PUTTING 5 STARS IF THINGS WILL BE OK THIS TIME. thank you.

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7 months

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Developer Reply

-Updated- Hey, there! Thank you for your feedback. We're truly sorry to hear that our services didn't meet your expectations. As per our Terms of Service once an order has started fulfillment (includes a T-shirt being picked up and print file sent to the printer) it isn't possible to make any adjustments. We understand that a one-time courtesy exception was offered to you previously, however, it isn't something that we can always offer. We understand that you need to do what is best for your business and are sad to see you go. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. -Liva ____ Hi there! Thank you for your honest review! We absolutely understand that product pricing is very important for you as a store owner and for your business. While our prices might be higher compared to some other fulfillment companies, we trust that, along with the services and the quality products we provide, it’s an overall good investment! The product prices allow us to ensure and constantly improve our services, product options, offer technical and customer support, some other nice touches like branding options for your packing slips and other services. We are always working on lowering our product prices, where possible, while still retaining their quality, of course. We're very sorry to hear that your interactions with our customer service have not been great and we would definitely like to know more about your experience. High-quality customer service is one of our top priorities and we train our team extensively to provide excellent customer support experience to our users. I will follow up with you directly to learn more about your time with us and how we could improve! -Santa